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OUR MORALITY IS FROM GOD-AS-HE TRULY-IS and THE ETERNAL GENE WARS Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and H All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan. OUR MORALITY All of our White morality flows from the simple commands from God-As-He-Truly-Is (aka God): DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE SACRED WHITE GENOME. EXPAND IT BY MAKING MORE LIKE YOURSELF. NEVER MIX OR MATE WITH ANY NONWHITES. STAY WHITE IN ALL WAYS, ALWAYS. The Sacred White Genome (aka White Genome) is one with our bodies because without it we would not exist. So we are the carriers of the White Genome and it is us. What is best for the White Genome? Everything that makes it purer. Everything that expands it as it fills all worlds only with itself and no other kinds. This means, in part, that we must make more like ourselves as the White Genome is one with us and we are it as White people. This making more like ourselves command is required of every single White person whether male or female. It also means that we must remain separate from all non-Whites and never mix or mate with them and we must avoid any DNA from them including even the DNA that they shed wherever they happen to be. It is an error to think that we can excuse doing evil things that violates God's law for us and just say that doing such evil things makes us happy so it is okay. For example, we might say it makes us happy to drink a lot of alcohol or have sex with all other races or to eat until we are obese or do various other things. But these things do not do what is best for the White Genome and are thus not good. But Whites mating with Whites only and producing the greatest number of pure White children expands the White Genome is good for the White Genome. If it harms our body it harms the White Genome. If we die too young this is not good for the White Genome. If we foolishly risk our lives in wars that are not fought for the White Genome it is bad for the White Genome. ----------------------------------------------- A LITTLE SCIENCE IN PLAIN ENGLISH TO HELP US UNDERSTAND WHY GOD DEMANDS WE OBEY HIS COMMANDS AND FOLLOW HIS MORALITY FOR OUR KIND Who is a White person? A White person can also be called an Aryan as that word was widely used not too many decades ago. A White person (Aryan) is a non-Jewish white skinned person of European extraction no matter where he or she is born or lives and who is the child of two Whites who are also the children of White parents. A White person will often have light colored eyes and have the typical facial and body features that are common to our people and which in their ideal form are often seen in ancient Greek and Roman statutes. Think also of the ideal German National Socialist type that you might cast in a movie. And, if you want more info, research what the German Nationalists of the 1930's-1940' considered as an ideal male and ideal female. We Whites are not perfect and many of us are not the ideal, but we should seek the ideal. Again, our White morality is based on what is right for the White Genome which is in all true White people. It is the essence of who and what we are. It is the real, biological, genetic "soul." True Whites are Selected by God-As-He-Truly-Is. God-As-Truly-Is has caused our evolution into being the White people to replace all earlier kinds in the fullness of time. But we must prove ourselves and we are tested constantly. A genome is the entirety of our genetic material. It has 23 pairs of chromosomes and about 20,000 to 25,000 genes and 3 billion base pairs of the 4 basic chemicals of DNA which are abbreviated by the letters A,T, C, G. These letters in different combinations spell out "words" that add up to make us, who and what we are. They are the book of life or the blueprints of life. We sometimes refer to our White Genome as our White DNA Code. They are the same thing. A genotype is your particular version of the broader White genome. A phenotype is how you look. Even if there is only 1/2% difference in the 3 billion base pairs of DNA between Whites and non-Whites this will amount to more than 15 million differences in the DNA codes! Chimps and humans are about 98.8% different in our 3 billion base pairs so that 1.2% difference amounts to 35 million differences. Humans and bananas are about 50% the same in our DNA Codes. From this and the above info about Chimps you get an idea that all DNA is the same but often minor changes in the 4 letters of DNA can completely change the type of organism. DNA was created by God-As-He-Truly-Is to be a self replicating, autonomous, self-evolving molecule designed to automatically adjust and evolve and mutate to make all life in all places that can possible sustain life. Most of our human cells have a complete copy of our White Genome. Whatever we can do to increase our White Genome by increasing our White birth rate and decreasing our deaths is good and anything that decreases either is bad and evil. ------------------------------------------------------------ Our goal, given to us by God-As-He-Truly-Is, is to expand the White Genome. Naturally, this also means increasing the number of pure White people. Doing whatever it takes to do this is good. This means mating with our fellow Whites as soon as possible and thus having as many children as you can in your hopefully very long life is good. Man made laws that set artificial ages and conditions for mating are not what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants and He has told us directly and in nature and nature's laws for our kind or organism that we are to reject man made laws that restrict the number of pure White children we produce from our White bodies. Thus, for example, if traditional marriage restricts the number of children we can make like ourselves, then we must not be bound by such human requirements. Remember always: The goal is to make as many more like YOURSELF as a pure White person as you can do in your lifetime. White male can mate until he passes away of old age no matter who old he gets and he should continue to bear children all the days of his life. A White female can only produce eggs from roughly `13-years-old to around 53-years-old at the latest and she can only bear children once every nine months, so she is very limited in the number of children she can make like herself. This is as God has ordained it and God is never wrong in what he ordains even if we do not always understand what or why he so ordains. Remember, while we are limited in our understanding of existence, God takes the long range view of the future and He works His plan through us with the long range in view. Whatever we do to expand and purify the White genome is good and is what God wants. Anything that does the opposite is bad and evil and goes against God's laws for Whites. How does an individual White most help with doing the best for the White genome? Simple. Just make as more like yourself as possible is a hopefully very long and healthy life. That is, make as many more White children as your body can make. Do not be stopped by false morality and anti-God laws that deny human nature. Do not think the only way is to marry late and only have one mate. Be polyamorous. Have more than one wife. Do whatever it takes to make more like yourself. And, if you make more new Whites than other Whites stuck with a false morality your particular version of the White genome (your genotype) will spread in the White population as it should if for no other reason than that you are the one who has heard God's command to make more like yourself and have acted on it as you should. THE ETERNAL GENE WARS All non-Whites are our natural enemies in the Eternal Gene Wars because it is only they of all living organisms who can mate with us and cause our White genes to be destroyed while producing non-White children. And, Whites mating with any non-Whites can never produce fully White children since half of the chromosomes the children get will be from the non-White mate. The Eternal Gene Wars are a necessary part of evolution and existence and are God's way of bringing forth the best organisms to help fulfill His plan. Most organisms including most humans fight the Eternal Gene Wars while not conscious of them because they are a subconscious part of natural instincts for survival of the organism as an individual and for all closely related organisms that are of the same type. Arman has been told of these things by God and he has brought the knowledge of the Eternal Gene Wars to the fore as commanded by God, so that true White believers in God and His messages can consciously struggle with full knowledge and understanding of the Eternal Gene Wars and how we must live every day of our lives to survive and expand separately from all non-White humans and evolve ever higher. This now conscious knowledge of the Eternal Gene Wars and God's command for Whites to always stay separate and never mate or be romantically involved with any non-Whites is an essential part of our religious/spiritual beliefs. It is front and center and absolutely essential to our faith and must never be minimized or changed. Our fight is to BE WHITE in all ways, always and to always remain White, to purify and become more White and thus do God's work to evolve along a strictly White path that He has set before us. How do we know these things? God-As-He-Truly-Is has told us and we need no other authority. If others question us on this we need only say we do what God wants. Our struggle is less about ideology and things of the mind and much more about our struggle for survival as White people. Our struggle is to survive genetically. We must protect the Sacred White Genome that is within all Truly White people and is also our link to God-As-He-Truly-Is and we must keep our Sacred White Genome from being tarnished or polluted or corrupted for if non-White genes mix with our White genes then this pollutes our Sacred White Genome and it is not White anymore. To be very clear, our faith has genetics and biology and evolution as a core of our religious beliefs as commanded by God-As-He-Truly-Is. We are not children or primitives, and God-As-He-Truly-Is does not talk to us in riddles and give us childish myths. This reliance on biology and genes commanded of us by God-As-He-Truly-Is is far different from what some of the false religions teach about flesh and blood not being important and that humans have some sort of raceless spirit or soul and that all humans are the same under the skin. SAINT HITLER We believe that Saint Hitler was sent by God-As-He-Truly-Is to save Whites. We believe that He was opposed by evil forces that want all Whites to go extinct. Saint Hitler wanted Whites to thrive, expand, improve, purify and evolve. We believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is wants us to study and understand what Saint Hitler and his National Socialists were really all about and to reject the lies told about them by the enemies of all Whites. We are to be guided in our religious faith by their efforts to save all Whites worldwide. We believe that our holiest symbols are spirals, Swastikas and fylfots. ---------------- BE SAFE ESPECIALLY AT TIMES AND PLACES WHERE THERE IS LITTLE OF NO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM God-As-He-Truly-Is does not want you to be harmed in any way. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to be free of physical, emotional, social, political or any other dangers to you, your family, your way of life, your job. In such times and places where you might be harmed you should keep your real religious views to yourself and practice your faith in private. It is perfectly permissible to tell others that you don't believe as you really do. Your religious views are your business and not the business of anyone else. Be clever, but remain faithful to Whiteness. # # # |
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